• We create innovative software and methods that help senior and mid-level leaders run their companies without getting bogged down in details.

  • Reduce inventory by 20% while increasing material availability using our Inventory Analysis Model.

  • Free One-Point Insights - OPIs. Boost your Management and Company Performance.

  • Argo EnGen™, an Automatic company weak-points Diagnostics SaaS for senior and mid-level leaders. Coming soon.

Management Support Tools

  • Let's talk

    Need to bounce off a business problem on a sounding board?

  • One-Point Insights

    Free Management One-Point Insights - OPIs.

  • Excel Models

    Solve specific problems using proven and effective methods.

  • On-Line Meeting

    Let's find a solution to a problem.

  • One-Point Insights

    No need to download the file.

  • Argo EnGen™

    Company weak-points diagnostics